Most of these images were taken in Peterborough's city centre, the first three however were taken in Skegness.
There is too much focus on the florescent lighting in this image, which even in black and white didn't achieve much different. It perhaps could work if it was cropped further into the man playing the game. It was taken with f/5.6, 1/60 second and 55 mm. |
I like this image for the simplicity of it. I feel that the dog sticking out its tongue makes the image. This was taken with f/5, 1/500 second and 34 mm. |
I missed the shot I was hoping for in this case, as the woman was facing me looking right into the lens, then she turned around and I ended up with this as my shot. I was quite disappointed because you can't tell what she was doing since she turned away. It was taken with f/5.6, 1/500 second and 46 mm. |
I was interested in the little girl here, but with my lens I couldn't get in any closer so it is almost a worthless shot. I found her interesting because she was walking with attitude as though she was older, I feel it represents society in a modern way, that young children are very independent. This was taken with f/6.3, 1/640 second and 55 mm. |
Similarly to the image above, these children were young and probably shouldn't of been out unsupervised by an adult in a city centre. I anticipated if the boy had looked up to the camera, but he did not, it could of made for a very different photograph had he done so. This was taken with f/5.6, 1/640 second and 55 mm. |
The sun here is behind the subjects and therefore leaves them looking a bit dull and in shade. However I like the composition here, with the two boys walking across the wet area with the dry pathway at a diagonal behind them. I also like their shadows joining into one which fills the space in the right of the image. This was taken with f/6.3, 1/640 second and 55 mm. |
I want the focus of this image to be on the boy with crutches, whom I thought was interesting since he had no shoes or socks on. I feel in colour a lot is happening behind which draws it away despite him being in the foreground, I think in black and white this could shift the focus. It was taken with f/7.1, 1/640 second and 49 mm. |
I like the lighting in this image, but I don't think the framing works very well. There is no head space for the woman, and I feel like the shops behind are a distraction. Again, in black and white this might look different but the head space is needed. This was taken with f/7.1, 1/640 second and 49 mm. |
The colours in this stand out a lot, and I like the vibrancy of the sky, the background however could end up being quite distracting in colour so would try this in black and white. I like the composition of the image, again I like the look of rule of thirds and in this case I'm using two thirds of the frame for the bike. I also have a another shot taken further out so you can see the whole bike. This was taken with f/5.6, 1/640 second and 28 mm. |